• Promotes Gut Health. The natural plant compound tannins in sapota contain polyphenol which neutralizes acid secretion in the gut. …
    • Stronger Bones. …
    • Bolsters Immunity. …
    • Boost Energy. …
    • Healthy Skin. …
    • Prevents Cancer. …
    • Controls Blood Pressure.

    • May Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels. …
    • May Boost Heart Health. …
    • May Help Relieve Painful Symptoms of Menstruation. …
    • May Benefit Your Digestive System. …
    • May Aid Weight Loss. …
    • May Have an Anticancer Effect. …
    • May Help Boost Your Immunity. …
    • Eating Guavas May Be Good for Your Skin.

    Watermelons are considered best for summers as they have nearly 92% water content in them and keep us hydrated. However, apart from this, the fruit also has a range of other benefits which help our body in dealing with issues that accompany hot weather.


    Singoda are super nutritious and low in calories. They can be included in weight loss diet as well. Regular intake of Singoda can provide you with fibre, protein, potassium, calcium, manganese and copper.


    • Culinary use: This flesh can be eaten raw, boiled or made into a refreshing beverage that is suggestive of lemonade. Seeds – raw or eaten in curries.
    • Ornamental use: Can be grown as avenue plant.
    • Medicinal use: The leaves can be used as a plaster to allay pain even from venereal sores, and can relieve convulsions. A paste made from the leaves is applied externally to treat muscular swellings caused by some inflammations. The leaves together with salt can cure indigestion and, in larger doses, can also induce abortion.

    • A handsome Indian evergreen tree often planted as an ornamental for its fragrant white flowers that yield a perfume; source of very heavy hardwood used for railroad ties. In olden time, the very hard timber was used for making lances.
    • The leaves are applied to the head in the form of a poultice for severe colds
    • Oil from the seeds is used for sores, scabies, wounds, and rheumatism The root of this herb is often used as an antidote for snake poison
    • The dried flowers are used for bleeding hemorrhoids and dysentery with mucus
    • Fresh flowers are also prescribed for excessive thirst, excessive perspiration, cough, and for indigestion

    Fresh Yellow dates are delicious dessert fruits with much needed minerals and energy to help you stay fit and healthy


    Fresh Red dates are delicious dessert fruits with much needed minerals and energy to help you stay fit and healthy


    Tadgola is also very healthy and refreshing. The sap/ juice that is collected early in the morning has a sweet sugary taste. It is usually sold as a refreshing drink and is also called by different names in different states. Nira in Maharashtra, Thaati Kallu in Telugu and PathaNeer in Tamil. The sap that is collected in the afternoon or evening is fermented and is sour or astringent in taste and is sold as raw liquor.


    Wood apple is rich in thiamine and riboflavin, the chemicals that are effective in detoxifying the body. Consuming it every day in form of juice keeps the gut healthy and diminishes all sorts of kidney problems.

    Ramphal is one hyper local fruit that can be beneficial for diabetes as it has blood glucose lowering properties. It contains minerals that make them just right for pre-diabetes and diabetes. It also has anti-cancer properties, mentions Diwekar in her post.

    Banana (Musa sp.) is the second most important fruit plant in India next to mango. Its year-round availability, affordability, varietal range, taste, nutritive and medicinal value makes favourite fruit among all class of people. Curry banana is specifically used for making curry(cooking), but this Musa sapientum can be utilised for both cooking and desserts purpose. So it’s fruit can be consumed raw, cooked (deep fried, dehydrated, baked in skin, steamed). The plant height and leaf size are bigger when compared to other bananas.


    Red bananas are a subgroup of bananas from Southeast Asia with red skin. They’re soft and have a sweet flavor when ripe. Some people say they taste like a regular banana — but with a hint of raspberry sweetness. They’re often used in desserts but pair well with savory dishes, too.

    Red bananas provide many essential nutrients and may benefit your immune system, heart health, and digestion.


    Elaichi bananas are smaller in size but they are nutritionally equivalent to regular bananas. But due to their little size, they have fewer calories. You may easily swap ordinary bananas for these little ones to keep your daily calorie intake under control. These little bananas are high in vitamin C and potassium, making them an excellent post-workout snack.


    Seasonal fruits are a great way to boost one’s immunity levels. They not only help keep our health in good shape but are also a great way to keep unwanted hunger cravings at bay. If you have been wanting to include more local and seasonal fruits in your diet, then you may like to try white jamun or wax jambu, a variant of the black plum or black jamun.


    Red Jamun, the highly nutritious, refreshing and succulent fruit flooding the summer markets has innumerable health benefits.


    Star fruit, also known as carambola, is a star-shaped tropical fruit with sweet and sour flavor. Star fruit is a small, bushy evergreen tree that grows very well under hot, humid, tropical conditions. The plant bears small lilac colored, bell-shaped flowers in clusters which subsequently develop into oblong shaped fruits with characteristic five angled edges (sides or ribs) that appear like a starfish in cross sections. Carambola fruit features light-green to yellow with attractive smooth waxy surface. Inside, it’s crispy, and juicy pulp can either be mildly sweet or extremely sour depending upon the variety.

    Fruiting Time: Start with in a year after purchase


    The numerous health benefits of this sweet melon can be attributed to its rich nutritional content that is necessary for healthy body functioning.

    100 grams of muskmelon contains:

    • Calories – 34
    • Dietary fibre – 0.9 gram
    • Fat – 0.19 gram
    • Protein – 0.84 gram
    • Carbohydrates – 8.6 grams

    Jamun is a very nutritious summer fruit that has a wide range of health benefits. The fruit is commonly called the Indian blackberry, Java plum, or black plum. There are two types of jamuns – one variety is the white flesh Jamun, while the other is the purple flesh variety.


    Papayas are a soft, fleshy fruit that can be used in a wide variety of culinary ways. Here we will explore more on the health benefits, uses, how to incorporate more of them into your diet, and what nutritional value papayas have.

    Papaya has a range of health benefits including asthma prevention and even anti-cancer properties.

  • Red Ber

    The Red Ber fruit of this plant has high nutritional value and is a very good source of vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin A, and calcium.3,4


    Jujube or ber, if you could recall, is a sweet and tarty fruit that is often offered during the festival of Maha Shivratri. This magical fruit is filled with amazing health benefits. You can literally binge upon this healthy snack option to satisfy your sweet cravings.
    The arrival of this fruit also marks the beginning of Spring season in India. Jujube is widely cultivated across South Asia. What’s more, the appearance of jujube is somewhat similar to palm dates, and therefore it is often known as red dates, Chinese date, Korean date, Indian date across the globe.


    This fruit is native to India and is called poor man fruit in India. Ber fruit has an excellent health benefits. The commercial cultivation of Ber fruit is growing day by day due to its demand, easiness of cultivation and less maintenance.


    • Thailand Variety Apple ber fruit plant and it is also known as the Indian jujube or Chinese date.
    • The taste of this Apple Ber is Sweet, Crispy & Juicy.
    • The weight of each fruit is around 150-200 gm
    • It appears to be like green Apple

    Pink guavas are fig-shaped fruits with smooth green skin that ripens to a bright yellow. They come in pink and white varieties, but Amafruits prefers to use the pink for our purees. Their inner flesh has a sweet and musky fragrance and tastes of papaya, passion fruit, and pear. Considered by many to be the sweetest of the guava fruits, it is also a nutritional powerhouse.


    Guava are a delicious fruit whose juice has, on occasion, been referred to as ‘the nectar of the gods.’ Don’t just get caught up on the juice–whole guava can be a sweet snack that will make you feel like you’re in paradise even when you’re sitting in your cubicle.


    • Cherimoya (Annona cherimola) is a green, cone-shaped fruit with scaly skin and creamy, sweet flesh. …
    • High in antioxidants. …
    • May boost your mood. …
    • May benefit eye health. …
    • May prevent high blood pressure. …
    • May promote good digestion. …
    • May have anticancer properties. …
    • May fight inflammation.

    Fresh grapes are stacked with nutrients that are very much important to sustain your body. You are getting vitamin C, antioxidants, and many more benefits by eating fresh grapes. Also, there are some compounds in grapes that can really help you to stay protected from cancer.


    Pomegranate can be recognized by its round shape, hard yellow, pink or red coloured skin and by its unusual interior flesh that contains many small edible seeds. A semi-sweet pulp surrounds each of these small seeds. Pomegranates are listed as high-fiber in some charts of nutritional value. That fiber, however, is entirely contained in the edible seeds which also supply unsaturated oils. Although the membrane is also edible, it has no flavour and is typically not eaten.
    The pomegranate is a popular exotic fruit which origins from the Middle East and Asia. Also known as the Granada, Grenade and Chinese apple, pomegranates are now commonly grown in Africa, India, Malaysia, southern Europe and in the United States. Pomegranates thrive well when grown in regions where the temperature is mild and where there is little humidity.
    BeFresh provides the following varieties to its customers: Wonderful, Hershkovitz, Ako and Shany.